About Me
As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I work well with individuals who are curious about their own minds and emotions. Individuals who can benefit from working with me are those who wish to understand and move through their suffering, as well as to enjoy the vitality that the healing process can bring. Reasons for seeking therapy which I work well with include:
- Anxiety & stress
- Depression
- Trauma
- Grief
- Relationship issues
- Existential concerns
- Difficulty with self-expression
- Feelings of guilt & shame
- Self criticism & self-esteem issues
- Anger issues
-Life transitions
-Many more: just ask!
Prior to my current independent practice, I worked as a therapist in a group practice, provided psychotherapy to adults in a community mental health center, and also have professional experience working as a counselor in a semi-residential psychiatric program for adults.

Depression, Self-Esteem, Trauma, Loneliness, Dreams, & Individuation
The contributing factors to depression are as vast and varied as the individuals who experience it. Whether it is persistent and severe or infrequent and mild, depression is a psychological state that holds many within its grasp. Depression can open us to seeing...
Although not a formal condition or symptom, loneliness is a significant and common experience. It is by definition distressing, as opposed to solitude or aloneness. For some loneliness comes and goes, for others it is a perpetual state of being. Regardless of duration...
Our internal and external sources of praise and criticism form complex networks of motivations and self-evaluations. It is a difficult task for many to locate and feel the realistic, innate sources of self-esteem that constitute who you are, buoy your spirits, and provide...
Dreams are rich, image-laden psychological phenomena. While they are ultimately mysterious no matter how thoroughly they are analyzed, they offer themselves to us as nightly as opportunities to learn from their wisdom. I work with dreams not to extract information...
Trauma refers to a state of overwhelming emotional intensity. Trauma can come from a single, acute event, or from repeated, more subtle occurrences. The effects of trauma vary from person to person, but in general our minds and bodies attempt to defend us...
Individuation refers to the process of continually becoming oneself. It is a life-long, symbolic process through which one actively lives out one's unique personality. It provides an orientation for the challenges of life, one which sees the suffering in life not as meaningless, but as ever-greater initiations into the mystery...